Automatic Assessment of Chronic Wounds in Diabetic and Elderly Patients
Implementation Time:
9 months
Solution Provider: AI Singapore
KroniKare, a local start-up, is an award-winning Al-driven system that automates the assessment &
management of chronic wounds.
- Current practice of wound assessment takes an average of 30 minutes per wound, and hence is time-consuming
- Quality of information gathered is also subjective (depends on nurses expertise)
- Only 2% of Singapore’s nurse population are qualified wound nurses – not possible to offer agecuate care to chronic wound patients with current practices
How can KroniKare enable healthcare institutions to better triage patients and allocate resources for wound management in diabetic and elderly patients?
An AI-driven Integrated Wound Scanner System comprising a mobile and web platform was developed. This system, which mimics wound analysis by a human specialist, uses computer vision, image processing and semantic segmentation to capture, analyse and diagnose chronic wound conditions.
- Wound assessment time reduced between 50%-70% (from 30 min down to 30 sec) – equivalent to >S$10,000
- Consistent, accurate monitoring of wound progression and improved early detection
- Faster interventions for major wound complications and abnormalities
- Scanner deployed in St Andrew’s Community Hospital and Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital
- Completed operational trials at Changi General Hospital with promising results
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Implementation Time
9 months
Use Case Brochure