Connecting People and Jobs (and changing the labour market for the better) with AI
JobTech is driven by a desire to change the labour market for the better. We have made it our mission to find the right match between people and jobs more efficiently, and continually build products and solutions that enhance human resource productivity.
We are Singapore’s leading Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics start-up that provides optimised job matching tools and real-time labour market intelligence. Our core technology is the result of 10 years of research and development by top machine learning experts and data scientists. This drives our ability to analyse more than 1 million job postings every day, providing complete and accurate visibility of online jobs markets around the world.
We serve a multitude of customers. For employers, we provide candidates that have been vetted for quality and interest. For job seekers, we provide a platform where they can find jobs across thousands of sources. For businesses, financial institutions, the government, recruiters and consultancy firms, we provide information on hiring trends that they use to inform policies and guide business decisions.
Recent successes
- We are proud to announce that for our relaunched portal, we have added job opportunities from thousands of sources – these include not only listings from job portals, but also jobs directly from the career pages of more than 500 companies from the Forbes 2000 list
- In terms of strategic collaborations, we are in talks with AI Singapore to develop an AI job and career recommendation engine specially for tertiary students
- We are working with consultancy firms such as Ernst and Young to support the development of the ITM skills framework at the national level
- Lastly, we are availing Skills Maps of industry demand vs talent supply on the JobTech website. The skills maps illustrate the skills that are in demand within various industries, as well as skills being offered by job seekers, created by analysing hundreds of thousands of job descriptions and resumes in Singapore over the past 1 year since the inception of JobTech.
This article was posted on behalf of JobTech.